Much like Leo I’ve always loved winter.  Coming into December has always brought beautiful snows which means skiing and snowshoeing; it means hot cocoa and mulled wine.  The break from the hot summer days is also a warm welcome.  Well, a cool welcome I suppose.

The only part of winter that I wish we could stop is the loss of daylight.  You wake up and it’s dark.  You get home and it’s dark.  This time of year it feels like we get about 3 hours of daylight and that doesn’t leave nearly enough time to ride.

Lessons have to start by 4pm at the latest to be able to sqeeze in a ride and even then it finishes in the pitch black.  Well not anymore- we have light!  A giant, flip-of-the-switch, thirty-two-THOUSAND-lumen, crazy bright light to completely illuminate the arena!  I’m beyond excited.  Leo is less so; he was hoping to get the winter off once we lost the daylight.

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